How to trade ByteStamp Digital Assets on OpenSea

1) upload your file to ByteStamp and register it 2) take the first ownership of this ByteStamp Digital Asset from […]

1) upload your file to ByteStamp and register it

2) take the first ownership of this ByteStamp Digital Asset from ByteStamp website

3) create an Emblem Vault (or use your if you already have one)

4) from ByteStamp Website transfer the ownership of the ByteStamp Digital Asset to the internal BTC address of the Emblem Vault

5) optionally, put NFT image and ByteStampProof link (<ByteStampMD5>) into Emblem Vault


Now you can trade the ByteStamp Digital Asset as an Emblem Vault on OpenSea

The owner of the Emblem Vault can burn it to have the private key of the internal BTC Address.

Once obtained the private key, the ByteStamp Digital Asset can be transferred to another owner on ByteStamp Website.

Of course, it can also be transferred to another Emblem Vault, and so on…

Happy trading!

PS: please pay attention: the internal BTC Address of Emblem Vault must be of legacy type (i.e. starting with ‘1’)